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Chris Beales - Vocals

It's time...just a few more wild heart beats. I've got to calm. The buzz in this place... Anticipation...I must centre, focus...What is the first song? What is the first line? Hot, bright lights - pink and green - glare down on me like Greek suns -

Fizz-click! Volts surge through my nerves. Sh...! No, relax; Carlos plugging in his guitar... The buzz is fading. "Ladies and Gentlemen..." Another surge - it leaves my fingers prickling.

The first song is January Sun. I don't play on that. I play on the third. Is my guitar in tune? No time to check - pink and green suns (that doesn't make sense). "...may I welcome to the stage..."


Focus! Gareth catches my eye. Is the band ready? Will we remember the change at the end of Requiem? Yes. Yes of course! Of course we will. This is where all the hours of practice, all of our dreams...and I've been dreaming about this all of my life...this is where it all pays off. Confidence!

'Hey Mary sat with the ghosts of your friends...' is the first line. Fists clench. Come on! What it means to be. The heart beats. The lion roars. "...Static Rain!"

Enough whimsical fancy...but it is a lot of fun! :o) Being on stage with Static Rain is fantastic. We've been through a lot, good times and hard times, which I think makes it even more special. The music is brilliant, and we work well together to make it so. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

For more detailed biography and information about my acoustic music, check out the music pages on my website: chrisbeales.net.

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